I am now 5 months post first Moderna Vax and I can say I am doing a lot better than I was. I haven’t posted on here in a while, but I just wanted to give a little update. He got better though, but also decided to stick with one dose. But my father took the vaccine the same day I did and became entirely weak on one side of his body. She kept telling me I’ve probably always had it. Waking up at all hours…like right now at 1:48am. I told her the last time I ever had this was following the vaccine. Did some type of neurological test and found that I was slightly week in terms of movement. She said it looked like my eyes were dropping. She suspects it’s benign myasthenia graves. I went to a neurologist who is now sending me for labs, a special ophthalmologist visit, and a MRI. I also asked for an antibody test to see if I even still have any from my first and only dose back in February, of the Pfizer vaccine. My rapid test was negative but I’m waiting on the PCR. I quickly went to have a rapid test and a PCR test. I woke up in the morning and the room was moving again. Hoping someone gets answers.I came to give an update. I see I’m the only one on this thread that actually passed out (syncope). I am staying on top of fluids and I too am looking for answers as to how long this is going to last. I’m going to work and driving and everything, but it’s there and not going away. I feel “off.” Dizzy isn’t quite the word, but maybe vertigo ish and I feel off balance. I feel like I’m walking on air or clouds. Today is Wednesday (I was released Friday am) and I just feel weird. After 2 days of bed rest and 6 IV bags, I was finally able to stand without passing out. They said it was my immune symptoms reaction to the vaccine and all they could do was keep me in a bed and keep IV going as blood pressure kept dropping and heart rate kept spiking. Many doctors came to see me as I have zero health conditions and take zero meds. I was not dehydrated and symptoms continued after 4 bags of IV fluid. I was hospitalized for 2 days and passed out 2 more times in the hospital before they put me on bed rest. Passed out 4 more times before 11am and called 911. I passed out and woke up on the kitchen floor. At 630am, I was standing in the kitchen and felt very dizzy. At 5am on 24th, woke up with chills and aches. Hello! Came across this thread on a google search. If anyone out there comes up with a diagnosis/treatment, please help us dizziness sufferers. Next is my arthritis doctor to see if I have labyrinthitis.

No doctor has given me a definitive diagnosis or treatment. ENT ruled out BPPV and recommended a VNG test). I have visited my Primary Care Doctor, had an MRI, a Cardiologist (waiting for heart monitor results) and an ENT (had a hearing test. The dizziness feels the same all day and night. I do have some tinnitus and feeling of pressure in my right ear. The dizziness does not increase or decrease with head movement, standing, sitting, lying down or activity. After the shot up until today March 3, 2020, my dizziness increased in duration to most of the day to now 24 removed link The headaches vary in their severity. On February 9, 2020, I had Covid-19 Pfizer Shot #2. Week 3 post Covid-19 Shot #1, I began to experience daily dizziness and headache. The dizzy spells at times also came with a headache that sometimes required Tylenol. The dizzy spells are more lightheadedness (with no vertigo or feeling nauseous). During the rest of the week and into the 2 nd week, I had a number of dizzy spells that lasted several hours. The next day around 9:00 I developed some dizziness that lasted about 4 hours. On FebruI had my first Covid-19 Pfizer shot. I would go for weeks without any dizziness.

For the past 8-10 months I have had infrequent, short duration bouts of dizziness which did not alter my quality of life.